Sunday, February 14, 2010

Words of wisdom

Don't eat yellow snow

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

SNOW has come! I know there is a season for everything. But winter just seems soooo long! I'm looking forward to Spring. Planting my garden and enjoying being outside in the dirt. I'm thankful that God choose to put me down here in the country. I feel truly blessed. I know that I should be happy no matter where God puts me , But I'm happy it was here. The snow is beautiful. and I know it will soon be gone. So I will sit at the window and wait for spring to come!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Looking out my dining room window
Things like this make me HAPPY!Posted by Picasa

100 tidbits about Me

Which is probably 99 too many!

1. I love jesus. He is the center of my existence. Without Him, I'd be face down in the carpet.
With Cherrios embedded in my forehead.
2. I had my first child at 23 and got my last three at 45!
3. I've discovered that raising children is for the young!
4. I can no longer do a cartwheel.
5. My cell phone plays " Just to see you smile" whenever my dear hubby calls.
6. My children and I break out in chrous when he calls.
7. I had a baby opossom when I was a young girl. ( it died)
8. I also had a chipmunk (it died also)
9. I wanted to be a veterinarian when I was younger. ( After the above pattern decided not to)

10. I was born in Illinois
11. I don't like flip-flops
12. I would be sad if a couldn't live in the country.
13. I love spring, summer and autumn.
14. I DON'T like Winter!
15. In college I had a cat named Trouble.
16. I got married in 1981 to the love of my life! (I just didn't realize it then)
17. I'm a homeschooling mom
18. I only have to stay 1 day smarter than my kids!
19. So far, so good.
20. I don't like heights.
21. We have 5 children
22. I enjoy cooking
23. I'd be lost without my sisters
24. I've discovered that duct tape is only a tempory solution to a plumbing problem
25. I've learned when my child brings home an animal it is going to be my "new" pet
26. My favorite movie is Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
27. My favorite color is Yellow
28. I don't wear black
29. I will never understand football.
30. I like to garden, it is a outlet for me
31. I can't afford therapy.
32. I love hugs and Kisses from my Children
33. My friend Gail died of cancer
34. I miss her
35. I had braces when I was 16
36. I ate popcorn and chewed gum and that makes me a rebel.
37. I run only when being chased.
38. I'm technologically challenged
39. My husband is not.
40. I married a good man
41. I loved playing dress up as a child
42. I still do
43. I learned to drive in a car with a stick shift
44. I drive a mommy car now
45. I lived in St. Louis for 12 years
46. I have lived in Arkansas 38 years
47. My favorite book is "Created to be His Helpmeet"
48. This book saved my marriage
49. I never knew how much I loved my husband
50. I'm half way through my list
51. I'm amazed at how much God loves me
52. I'm living my dream life
53. I'm a Grammie to 3 wonderful babies
54. I raise chickens
55. I don't ride bikes
56. I have scars from when I did
57. I once built a club house out of brick
58. It fell in on me
59. I didn't use mortar
60. I got in a fight with my cousin Linda
61. I got a black eye
62. We live in different States now
63. We have a pet Raccoon
64. One of my children brought IT home
65. It is now Mine
66. Won't do this again
67. Can't rollerskate in a buffalo herd
68. But you can be Happy if your a mind To
69. Would like to own an old VW bug someday
70. I love the smell of the air after the rain
71. I lived in Arizonia
72. I don't like snow!
73. Winter is highly over rated
74. I love getting seed catalogs in January
75. I would like to be more self-sufficient
76. I wonder about things.
77. I know Who holds the future
78. I wonder.. But I don't worry
79. I like most foods
80. I like some foods way too much
81. I don't like sushi
82. It doesn't like me either!
83. I love to bake
84. I have made over 100 birthday cakes
85. I like cake better than pie
86. I have eaten cake as a meal
87. With a glass of milk of course
88. I have great Children
89. They still make me laugh
90. I hope to laugh a long time
91. My Great Grandmother lived to be 100
92. My grandmother lived to be 69
93. Maybe I'll be somewhere in the middle
94. I don't want to out live my life
95. There are worst things than dying
96. Life is short
97. Love long
98. I love the smell of horses
99. I thank God for children and animals
100. I have been truly Blest
Now you know more about me than you want to!
"How to Reach Your Full Potential for God
Charles F Stanley

This is a book about never settling.
We look at Our lives and Who We are and
think 'I could never do that' or 'I wish I was more like Them'.
We under estimate Ourselves and Our God when we think that.
Just as God used Moses. A man slow of speech and of a slow tongue.
He can use you.
But we need to learn to to trust God. He knows far more about what
we are capable of than ourselves.
This book helps you learn the Essentials to see God's plan and the courage
to pursue your God given potential in the face of all challenges.
I would recommend this book for anyone wanting to know where God is
waiting to take them."

Monday, November 23, 2009